Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Wish.

A Wish was granted to you!!!
If i had a wish.I would like to travel back into time to fix what was broke.

Things To Do!!!

Things i wish to do or have!!!
1. To get a really steady good pay job
2.To help out with my mum.Financially.
3.To be able to see and touch a real wolf.
4.To get my dream car.Audi TT.
5. To see an aurora.
6. To lose more weight.
7. To fix what was broken.
8. To have someone to special in my life.

The heart!

Follow what your heart tells you. You will not regret it. Yes. What you wish for might come true or your plan go as you want it to. But at least you will not regret it for the rest of your lie. I learned that the hard way. In so many ways but the most is when you lie to yourself for thinking is the best way.but the heart has more power to scar yourself mentally. The rational part of yourself says no but your heart says yes. And at that time you will convince yourself it is true and the right decision. But your heart will not co-operate with your mind. So your heart will erase your rational part. To this day i regret for not saying it. And it has scarred me for the rest of my life.


Its when you want something is the time it wont come or you cant have it. But when the time you dont want it you can find and have it. When you try so hard to have it you wont get it, but when you push it away its the time you will receive it. It works in reverse. When you wish for it it will not be granted to you. But when u detest of it its when you will be granted. In times like whis you will feel like giving up. When you have someone that is the time you really wish to be with will appear. But when you wish to have that person who you really want its that time that person will have someone else or other matters appear.

Monday, December 14, 2009


An issue to resolve is what is in process. Its hard to actually solve something when your heart and feelings are involved. Thinking about it all the time and wanting to solve it. Its even harder when the other person is not responding. Or the solution is not the right one. A letter is what i had proceed to produce for this issue. I just wish to get it over and done with. I hope in my heart it goes the way i want but i know it cant always go the way you want. Salvation is what i want from all this problems of mine but uncertainty is all i have now.